
New Members

A new member of CUPE 23 can become a ‘member in good standing’ by completing the new member form AND attending 1 membership meeting. The form includes your pledge to honour the rules of the organization and to respect and support your fellow workers.

Fill out the form here.

Collective agreements and wage schedules

Your collective agreement sets out your right and responsibilities at work.  If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.

Collective Agreements and Wage Schedules – 2022 – 2024



Filing a Grievance

Grievance Information for CUPE 23 Members

Members who want to file a grievance must contact the chief shop steward (who is also the 1st Vice Chair) for their division.




Constitution and by-laws

Constitution and By-Laws pdf file – Constitution and By-Laws Amended November 2019

Changes can be made once a year to the Constitution – suggestions and proposals for changes should be emailed to the office –



Extended Health Benefits

Health Benefits for CUPE 23 members are provided through Pacific Blue CrossPlease talk to your steward or a member of the executive if you feel your benefits have been unreasonably denied.


bActive Pass

Negotiated with the City through Parks & Rec, the bActive pass gives a discount on access to Recreation facilities to CUPE 23 members. The pass allows you to be flexible with your selections. Enjoy fitness, aquafit, indoor cycling sessions as well as admissions to swimming, public skating and weight rooms or book half of racquetball and squash court rental. When purchasing your B Active Pass, please make sure to bring your City identification with you (ie: Staff ID Card; Cheque Stub along with Driver’s License; etc) . . . this will make things a lot easier for staff at our various facilities. Thanks for your assistance . . . it is really appreciated!!!


Fruit Baskets

If you are aware of a member (in good standing) who has been off work for 2 weeks for health reasons, please notify the Union office so that we can arrange to have a fruit basket prepared. Fruit baskets can be arranged for pick up on any day but with at least one day’s notice by a co-worker at Kensington Safeway.

When you contact the Union office, please provide the following information:

  • Member’s name who is off work
  • The name of the member who will pick the fruit basket up
  • The date that the fruit basket will be picked up and delivered to the member.

Note: You will be advised when you call the office if the member is not in good standing and therefore, not eligible.


Retirement Benefit

A certificate and cheque in the amount of $1000.00 will be issued upon retirement to members who have been in good standing in the Union for 10 or more years.The certificate and Retirement Benefit cheque will be issued on your retirement date. However, if we are advised of a retirement event in your honour, we will make every reasonable attempt to have the documents ready for presentation at the event by an officer of the Union.

How to apply for the Retirement Benefit:
Once you have submitted your retirement papers to the City of Burnaby, provide the information to the Union office:

  • Confirm the date you were sworn in to become a member in good standing;
  • The date of your retirement
  • The date of your last day worked
  • The details of a retirement event

Unless otherwise arranged, your certificate and cheque will be mailed to your home address.

Retirement Planning Seminars are held from time to time and members are encouraged to take this course 5-10 years prior to their estimated retirement date. Notices will be posted on the ‘Education’ page of the website.


Death Benefit

A grant in the amount of $1,000.00 shall be paid upon the death of a member in good standing payable to the estate of the decedent.If you become aware of a co-worker who has passed away, please notify the Union office as soon as possible.


Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits

Link to Government of Canada web page


Guide for CUPE BC Members – Access to WCB Benefits Age 65 and Over

Guide for CUPE BC Members (pdf document) – Access to WCB Benefits Age 65 and Over



Pensions for CUPE 23 members are provided through the BC Municipal Pension Plan (MPP).


Scholarships & Awards

CUPE BC offers the Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Memorial Scholarship to CUPE members, their spouses or their children at a level of four scholarships of $500.00 each.


2024 scholarship deadline was August 19, 2024


For current information please check the CUPE BC website.


The Gary Campbell Award was established in the name the late Brother Gary Campbell designed to assist our members to register for courses (academic or non-academic) that will broaden their horizons and improve their quality of life. The Fund is administered by the Executive Board of CUPE Local 23. There are five (5) awards for up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) per calendar year available at the discretion of the Executive Board of CUPE Local 23.

** The maximum number of Gary Campbell awards for 2024 have now been awarded. Applications will be accepted again in 2025.**

Gary Campbell Award

Gary Campbell Award application


The Ethel Lau Scholarship was established in 2001 and is issued on behalf of the Burnaby Civic Employees’ Union. It honours the memory of Ethel Lau, a past union activist and recognizes her service of over 20 years. It is an annual scholarship awarded every spring. The Fund is administered by the Executive Board of CUPE Local 23. The Fund has been established for the exclusive purpose of awarding non-repayable educational scholarships to qualified recipients who are continuing their education. There are seven (7) one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) scholarships awarded annually at the discretion of the Executive Board of CUPE Local 23.

Application information is posted in the spring of every year and the application deadline is usually in early June.

This award is for members or their children for post-secondary, undergraduate studies. READ THE FULL CRITERIA AND APPLICATION PROCESS HERE.

Ethal Lau Scholarship APPLICATION FORM


Membership in good standing

All employees of the City are considered members for purposes of being protected by the Collective Agreement.

However, a member of the Local Union shall be considered in good standing if:

  • They have properly applied and been accepted as members; and
  • They have taken the Oath of Obligation; and
  • They have not engaged in activities contrary to the Oath of Obligation or to the
  • Constitution and By-Laws and policies of the National Union; and
  • They are employed and paying Union dues.

Members in good standing enjoy certain entitlements voted on and provided by the Local Union:

  • When you are off work due to illness for more than 10 working days, your co-workers can arrange a fruit basket be sent to you;
  • If you have been a member in good standing for more than 10 years, the Union will issue a retirement benefit in the amount of $1000.00
  • You can apply to take courses /educational opportunities offered by the Union with all costs covered
  • You can be considered as a delegate to conventions, as a representative to attend conferences or other events
  • You can apply for scholarships and / awards offered by the Union