Reach For The Stars

It is time again for the Charlford House: Society for Women’s 11th Annual Reach For The Stars Reception and Auction featuring CTV Morning Live’s Keri Adams as Master of Ceremonies.

Two tickets have been purchased for this year’s event being held this Thursday, October 29th, 2015 at 6:30pm at the Columbia Theatre. If you are a CUPE Local 23 member and would like to attend this event please contact the Union Office by email: or by phone: 604 298-0200.

*1 ticket per member.

Volunteers Needed for Pumpkin Patch Events

There will be two events and both events will run from 8:00am-3:00pm and will be outside on the school fields, rain or shine.

If any CUPE Local 23 members are interested in volunteering for these events please contact Brother Chris Revitt. This will help make sure we have consistent number of volunteers for each shift.

(Please email or call the Union Office for Brother Chris Revitt’s contact information.)

The event details and times are as follows:

First Pumpkin Patch October 27, 2015

South Slope Elementary
4446 Watling Street
Volunteers needed for shifts between;
11:30am- 3pm

Second Pumpkin Patch October 28, 2015

Douglas Road Elementary
4861 Canada Way
Volunteers needed for shifts between;
11:30am- 3pm