Expressions of Interest are now being accepted. Send your letter of intent and resume to the Union office by July 7, 2014
for more info:
United Way – Loaned Labour Representative
Burnaby Civic Employees Union
Expressions of Interest are now being accepted. Send your letter of intent and resume to the Union office by July 7, 2014
for more info:
United Way – Loaned Labour Representative
CUPE 23 now has a Facebook Page. Please ‘Like’ and share the page with your fellow members!
In order to assess the impact of changes in the duties and responsibilities of Recreation Clerks 1, 2, 3 and Recreation Office Supervisors, we are conducting a survey of all of these positions.
If you currently working in any of these positions, please complete this survey.
The entire labour movement in Canada is engaged in actions to connect directly with our membership and have conversations about improving life for everyone. The Canadian Labour Congress campaign is called Together Fairness Works. You may have seen the commercial on tv. CUPE is organizing outreach to our members under the Unite for Fairness campaign. See more details at
The successful candidate in the 2nd Vice-Chair, Library Division elections is SISTER KATHY BOYCE.
Annual General Membership: Today, April 16, 2014 at 5:30 pm. Pizza and pop will be served at 5:00 pm.
Send in your personal email address to to receive all Union announcements and first-hand news of upcoming events and opportunities!
Your union is a full partner in ensuring safety in the workplace. Our members serve on Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees in every work site.
Here is the City’s monthly safety newsletter – Safety Has No Boundaries – March 2014
Find this week’s specials listed here – Food Service Specials 14-17