Volunteers for Pumpkin Patch Needed!
Sisters and Brothers;
Our membership has approved funds to sponsor the Pumpkin Patch event to take place at two local elementary schools: Douglas Road Elementary School, South Slope Elementary School and the B.C. School for the Deaf. There will be approximately 530 children participating.
Areas of the playground fields at each school will be decorated in a fall theme along with hay bales and enough pumpkins so that each child will be able to take one home with them. We will also be serving hot chocolate and giving out popcorn. Each class will come out in turn to enjoy gathering pumpkins.
These are schools in low income areas and most of these children would not be able to experience getting a pumpkin for Halloween were it not for this event.
To make this event a success, we are asking for members to volunteer their time to help set up and take down the event at each school. We will need help to decorate the fields, put out hay bales and pumpkins, serve refreshments and then to help clean up after the event in the afternoon. We need two shifts each day, a morning shift from 8am to 11am for set up and an afternoon shift from noon to 3pm to clean up.
Brother Chris Revitt is organizing the Pumpkin Patch event and will be coordinating volunteers. The event will be held on Thursday, October 27, at Douglas Road School and Friday, October 28, at South Slope Elementary.
If you are interested in coming out to help put a smile on children’s faces, please contact us at the Union office and we will forward your name to Brother Revitt.
In solidarity,
Simon Challenger
Union Office
Email: admin@cupe23.ca
Phone: 604-298-0200
A Message From CUPE
Dear Sister/Brother,
The Prime Minister has announced that 2015 was our last first-past-the-post election. He has promised to change the way we elect Members of Parliament. The NDP and the Green Party have been calling for electoral reform for years. The Conservatives do not want to change the system. But change is coming and we want to make sure that CUPE members participate in this process.
The Federal government has set up a Special Parliamentary Committee to consult the people on how to change to our electoral system.
We encourage you to participate in these consultations in the following ways:
- Please sign the CUPE Petition and promote to your networks.
- Fill out the Special Committee on Election Reform’s “e-consultation” and encourage others to fill it out too.
- Attend one of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform events.
For your reference, we have a comprehensive kit of materials to help you understand Mixed Member Proportional Representation and CUPE’s position on electoral reform and a one page leaflet you can share.
We don’t have much time – consultations will be done by Oct 14th and recommendations will go to Parliament by Dec 31st so get involved today!
In solidarity,
Justin Schmid