Fair Contract Rally

Due to a lack of progress in negotiations, UNITE HERE Local 40 Hilton workers will be holding a Fair Contract Rally on Tuesday, February 23 at 4:30pm at the Hilton Metrotown Hotel.

Please join them to send a clear message to Hilton management that your union supports these workers in their struggle for a fair contract now!

For information, updates and other Local 40 news, follow them on Facebook & Twitter.

Call Mr. Robeson

Playing at the Anvil Centre Theatre on February 25-28, 2016
777 Columbia Street, New Westminster

Cal Mr RobesonA wonderful opportunity to learn about the history of the Labour Movement in an entertaining and inspiring way.

Call Mr. Robeson is  perfect, moving, fascinating and intense. This performance is not to be missed.

Call Mr. Robeson, a Life, with Songs is a sensitive dramatization of the life and songs of Paul Robeson, a Pioneer of the Labour Union Movement, written and performed by Tayo Aluko, an award-winning performer from England. 

Equity and Human Rights Committee Pizza Forum

Equity and Human Rights - Pizza Forum Flyer 2015-11-05

Any one who is interested in learning about equity and human rights issues and those interested in participating in the Equity and Human Rights Committee are invited to attend this pizza forum!

When: Saturday, March 12, 2016 @ 10:00 AM

Where: The Union Hall 114-4940 Canada Way

Email: admin@cupe23.ca


General Membership Meeting

The next General Membership meeting is our Annual General Meeting and will be held on
October 19, 2016 at 5:30 PM.

New members, please arrive at 5:15 PM for registration.

Pizza and pop will be served at 5:00 PM.



**Please note that there will be a vote on the Constitutional Amendments at this meeting. For more information on these amendments, please see the Members’ Only page.

Please contact the Union Office for your password if needed.


Good News Regarding the Vacation Pro-Rating Arbitration!

Happy New Year!

We received welcome news on New Year’s Eve. Arbitrator Mr. John Hall released his decision on the grievance which we filed over the vacation pro-rating language. Although it took us a long time to get to hearing, it was worth it. We have been able to correct an injustice done to members of the Local during the last round of bargaining. In his decision, Arbitrator Hall ruled that the vacation pro-rating language was contrary to the Human Rights Code as it discriminated against workers who were disabled.

The arbitrator also upheld the grievance which we filed on the pro-rating of vacation pay for those members who take maternity or parental leave. He determined that it was discriminatory on the basis of sex and family status grounds.

As of December 31, 2015, the offending language will no longer apply. He has referred the matter of remedy back to the parties to negotiate. We will be meeting with the City to begin those discussions. Our position is clear. We want everyone who was affected to be compensated.

As part of his decision, Arbitrator Hall also ruled that vacation entitlement for City employees is a status benefit based on continuous employment or length of service and is not an earned benefit. This upholds the position which we have always taken with regard to vacations.

To read the entire decision, please follow this link.