Come out and party in Burnaby on Labour Day!

Hey CUPE 23 members, we’re *hosting* Labour Day this year – it’s in Burnaby at Swanguard Stadium. We’re looking for volunteers to help out with a variety of tasks including security, shucking & cooking corn at the CUPE BC trailer and children’s activities. Please contact the local office to volunteer & receive a special edition t-shirt to wear at the event. Show your Burnaby pride and come to hear some great music from our own Dan Kutin & his band Momentary Lapz. Oh yeah, and Trooper too.


Activist Education opportunity

Parksville 2014 Weeklong School

Please go to our Education page to see the details and get an application form.  An excellent selection of workshops with a diverse range of topics are being offered and we are looking forward to another great school this year. Completed application forms must be received at the Union Office no later than Monday,September 22, 2014.

Union Supervisors in the Workplace – workshop

We are planning this course early in the fall. Although we do not yet have a confirmed date, we are accepting names for the waitlist for the course. It will be held in the Union office. You can register at the Union office via email: or by phone: 604-298-0200.

Once the date is confirmed, those who have sent their names in will have first option to attend.

Course description:

This workshop will help you build union solidarity in locals where some members of the union supervise other members. It provides tips on how unionized supervisors can carry out their duties and discusses how locals can ensure that tensions between supervisors and those supervised don’t get in the way of the local union’s activities.


Vancouver Canadians Baseball Tickets

CUPEBC We are pleased to announce that CUPE BC is the Game Sponsor for the June 28th Vancouver Canadians vs. the Washington Tri-City Dust Devils baseball game at the Nat Bailey Stadium. The stadium is located at 4601 Ontario Street, Vancouver and starts at 7:05 pm. There will be fireworks at the stadium that night following the game.

We would like to offer your local free tickets for members and their families. Members wanting tickets should call our office directly at 604-291-9119 and speak to support staff to arrange pick up or delivery of tickets by Friday, June 20th.

Tickets will be given out on a first come, first serve basis.

See you at the game!

In solidarity,

Paul Faoro – CUPE BC Secretary-Treasurer