Deadline to register – EXTENDED TO NOV. 28 (midnight)
Registration is now open for this valuable workshop.
TO REGISTER: Email: or phone: 604-298-0200
Burnaby Civic Employees Union
Deadline to register – EXTENDED TO NOV. 28 (midnight)
Registration is now open for this valuable workshop.
TO REGISTER: Email: or phone: 604-298-0200
Sisters and Brothers, please join us on Friday, November 10, 2017 at Noon at the Memorial Fountain at the Burnaby Village Museum as we remember and honour those members of the Burnaby Civic Employees’ Union who served our country and gave their lives in the First World War. We will take the opportunity to recognize the service of all who came after them in other conflicts and missions around the world. We will gather and observe a minute of silence to acknowledge their sacrifices.
Applications are now being accepted for the Canadian Labour Congress 2018 Winter School. Visit our Education page for details and application form.
Application Deadline is November 10, 2017
Every two years, following our national convention, we seek applications from our membership to serve on CUPE’s 18 national committees and working groups.
These committees provide an opportunity for CUPE members to contribute to the work of our national union on the many important issues and activities that shape our direction.
Any CUPE member in good standing is eligible to apply, but we encourage you to seek the support of your local union and/or provincial division for your application. Appointments will be made by the end of the year, in consultation with our Divisions, while ensuring committee membership is regionally representative and reflects the diversity of our membership.
Follow the link to apply –
Check out the latest offers from Telus exclusively for CUPE members – note: this is offered through a dealer in Ontario – all the details here – Oct-CUPE-TELUS-Member-Offer-Fillable.pdf
Check out the latest offers from Telus exclusively for CUPE members including the following:
Note: this is offered through a dealer in Ontario – all the details here – Sept-CUPE-TELUS-Member-Offer-Fillable.pdf