BCFED Young Workers School – June 19-21

Attend the BCFED Young Workers School at Camp Jubilee

Join young workers from around the province for a weekend of learning, connecting and fun.

Each year the BC Federation of Labour hosts a young workers school at Camp Jubilee. The school is set in a retreat-like environment. Participants will attend courses to help them build skills related to the labour movement and political action. There will be outdoor activities and a chance to meet other young workers from around the province.

This year’s school will be held on
June 19-21, 2015

Interested members can contact CUPE Local 23 office by email: admin@cupe23.ca or phone: 604-298-0200 by May 29, 2015

Download here for posting – Young Workers School 2015

Miners’ Memorial Weekend – June 18-20

June 18-20, 2015
Locations throughout Cumberland, BC

For 30 years the Cumberland Museum has co-hosted an annual commemoration of fallen workers, highlighting labour history and contemporary labour issues. The three day event welcomes hundreds of attendees from across Western Canada and as far away as the UK including workers and their families, activists, artists, writers, academics, community leaders, musicians and many others.
All are welcome to join us for this important weekend of solidarity, celebration, and remembrance.

More information: http://www.cumberlandmuseum.ca/events/miners-memorial-weekend/

Cumberland Miners' Strike

April 28 – Day of Mourning


Day of Mourning for Workers Injured or Killed on the Job

We meet once again to acknowledge those who have been killed or injured trying to earn money to support themselves and their families.

Too many workers around the world pay an unacceptable price so that corporations can continue to earn huge profits. Why do we accept this?

When are we going to insist that our physical and psychological well-being are not acceptable sacrifices so that we may provide a decent standard of living for ourselves and our loved ones?

We all have a responsibility to work toward achieving safe working conditions for workers around the world. Unfortunately, we often look the other way. For example, why do we continue to buy clothing that we know is made in sweatshops, where workers are exploited shamelessly and working conditions are unacceptably dangerous?

If we let employers get away with violating safety regulations and jeopardizing workers in other countries do we honestly believe that it won’t happen here? … Read more…

Apply now for CUPE Spring School for activists

The Education Committee is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted from members interested in attending CUPE’s Spring 2015 Weeklong School in Kamloops. An excellent selection of workshops with a diverse range of topics are being offered and we are looking forward to another great school at Coast Kamloops Hotel & Convention Centre.
Completed application forms must be received at the Union Office no later than Tuesday, May 12, 2015. Find all the details here.