Please contact the office to volunteer for organizing our event.
Training opportunity – Political Action
The Canadian Labour Congress is offering Election Preparation conferences across Canada this year. In Vancouver it will be March 13 & 14. Follow this link for details & registration.
Important information about a Membership Survey
Membership Survey
Sisters and Brothers:
Arising from a motion at the January 21, 2015 Membership Meeting, we have engaged the services of Strategic Research, an independent research company, to conduct a telephone survey of our members. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on how we feel about working conditions with the City of Burnaby.
This is a confidential survey and individual results will not be disclosed. The survey will consist of approximately 20 questions and will take about 10 minutes to do.
We have approximately 2,500 members in our Local Union. To ensure that the survey is as accurate as possible, we will have to get 300 interviews completed.
In the next few days you may receive a call from Strategic Research. We hope that you will look for their call and participate in this very important and confidential survey. The phone number that should show on your call display is: 604-323-2694. In some cases due to network incompatibility the number may not be displayed.
Strategic Research intends to begin the survey on February 23, 2015, and anticipates that it will take about a week to complete.
It’s really important that we get as much participation as we possibly can for this survey because it will provide us with very useful information that we can use for bargaining purposes.
Simon Challenger, President
Tues. Jan. 27 – MVA Transit Forum
Location: Holy Trinity Cathedral Hall- 514 Carnarvon St. in New Westminster
Time: Tues. Jan. 27 – 6 pm to 8 pm
Public transit service levels in the Lower Mainland have remained practically unchanged over the past seven years. In that same period demand has soared.
Metro Vancouver residents will be asked to vote on a 0.5 per cent hike in B.C.’s Provincial Sales Tax to fund new transit projects, in a referendum this March. The referendum is seeking a public decision on the transportation funding measures identified by the Metro Vancouver Mayor’s Council. The Mayor’s funding plan advocates for more transit routes, more buses and HandyDART vans, more options for cyclists, and increased service all over the region.
Metro Vancouver Alliance members committed to campaigning vigorously for a Yes vote on this referendum. We are campaigning to get Metro Vancouver residents’ transit needs met.
As part of this campaign, we invite you and members of your community to our first Transit Forum on Tuesday, January 27.
If you live or work in the New Westminster/Burnaby area we encourage you to come. We’ll be discussing the upcoming transit referendum and working in groups to build relationships in the community and develop strategies to ensure that the referendum passes, and transit in the region receives increased funding.
It’s important to everyone in Metro Vancouver that this referendum passes – join us and help make this happen! Help spread the word.
Important update for CUPE Family Skate this Saturday
For those members who have registered for the party this weekend:
Due to an electrical fire at Bill Copeland Sports Centre yesterday afternoon, the ability to make ice has been compromised.
Sorry, the ice skating portion of the evening has been cancelled.
The upper lobby activities are still going on……The Purple Pirate Children’s Show, Cookie Decorating, Face Painting, Balloon Twisting, Refreshments and of course a visit from Santa!
Metro Vancouver Alliance training in January
There will be a training opportunity with the MVA at the end of January. Free of charge to our members. Come to the January Membership meeting to hear Deborah Littman talk about what CUPE 23 being a member of the Metro Vancouver Alliance means for us.
Map of location – Leadership Institute @ Capilano U