Bargaining Proposals Ratification – June 28
Click on the notice in the event calendar to register.
Notice of Motion – Financial Policy
As read out at the May General Membership meeting, here is the written Notice of Motion for updating our Financial Policy – to be voted on at the June General Membership meeting.
Full notice with signatures is here.
Go to the Members Only page to view the full draft Financial Policy document from the May meeting package.
Election Results
At the AGM last night the results of the 2022 elections were announced. These are not all the Executive Board positions, just the ones that were not acclaimed in March and were part of the voting process. A complete updated list of the 2022-2023 Executive Board will be posted later.
President – Bruce Campbell
Outside 2nd Vice Chair – Chris Mikowski
Inside 1st Vice Chair – Dino Echelli
Inside 2nd Vice Chair – Marisa Ferrari
Foremen 2nd Vice Chair – James Donald
Precarious Workers At Large – Devon Saintsbury & Robert Krajewski
Nominations for 2022 are open
Our March Membership Meeting is also our Nomination Meeting.
Nominations are open now and close at the meeting on March 16. You can use the form or nominate someone verbally at the meeting. Nomination form here.
Members can run for positions if they have attended a minimum of two General Membership or Divisional meetings in the previous twelve (12) months.
Positions up for election in 2022 are:
- President (3 year term)
- Treasurer (2 year term)
- All Division Officers (1 year term)
- 2 Precarious Workers (1 year term)
- Outside & Library Trustee (2 year term)
- Foremen Trustee (1 year term)