Leadership Training

As a member organization of the Metro Vancouver Alliance our members have access to all their training opportunities. The next one is November 7 & 8 in New Westminster. More details here – Leadership Institute.

Here’s what it’s all about:

The Metro Vancouver Alliance Leadership Training is for those who share an interest in strengthening civil society and working together for the common good. As a participant, you will work with other community leaders from diverse organizations on the universals of broad based community organizing.

Metro Vancouver Alliance conducts Leadership Institutes several times a year. Leadership institutes are free of charge for people from Alliance member institutions.

Participants in a Leadership Institute will come away with an understanding of:

  • Why organizing matters
  • Fundamental organizing skills
  • Strengthening institutions
  • Turning problems into winnable issues
  • Using relational power in the public arena to negotiate for the common good

Power Outage at the Office

The power is currently out in the whole building where the office is located. Staff was sent home. Patience appreciated if you’re trying to reach us. Note also that the server is down and email may not be working either. Thankfully this website is hosted by CUPE! Here’s the link to the Officers’ contact list on our About Us page –

Help our delegates prepare for the National Sector conference

Next week 9 members will be attending the first ever CUPE National Sector Council conference. In our local we represent 3 different sectors – Municipal, Library and Emergency Services. If you are aware of new, emerging or growing issues in the sector in which you work, please share them with our delegates so that they can bring them to the conference. Send by email to the office – admin@cupe23.ca For more info about the conference, go to this link: http://cupe.ca/event/national-sector-council-conference

The Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference

The 2015 Conference – Leadership and Innovation – will take place May 22 to June 5. The Canadian Labour Congress is encouraging union members to be nominated for this opportunity. Deadline for application is September 30, 2014.

This Leadership Conference brings together 240 Canadians from labour, business, government and the community sector for a truly unique two-week experience aimed at broadening their perspectives on work, leadership, their communities and their country.

The 2015 Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference will examine the role that leaders play in stimulating, driving, managing and diffusing innovation in their organizations and communities. Conference members will experience situations where organizations embrace innovation as a positive and necessary mindset central to future success. They will experience situations where leadership is working or required to move groups forward on unfamiliar ground. They will learn how human capital is key to an innovative society. They will see first-hand how leaders shape outcomes for their organizations and society as a whole.

Applications and Sponsor Endorsement forms should be completed online at www.leadershipcanada.ca. The deadline date for receipt of applications is September 30, 2014. Please be very thorough in your application.

“The Canadian Labour Congress strongly supports the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference. We know the benefits participation has brought to individual trade unionists, their organizations, their communities, the labour movement, and this country.”

Reminder about The Fair at the PNE – Staff Discount Code

The CUPE 23 Social Committee would like to remind members that The Fair at the PNE is now on until Monday Sept. 1st. There is a promotion code for discounted passes/tickets purchased online including the Summer Nights Concert Series (reserved seating). Please contact the union office to get the City of Burnaby’s 2014 Online Promotion Code.

 This discount is only available for employees/members and their families.

Visit the Group Sales Online Ticket Program Events Web Page www.pne.ca/groupsales to purchase tickets for the event of your choice.